AWS CodePipeline vs Jenkins

October 20, 2021

AWS CodePipeline vs Jenkins

Are you looking for a continuous integration and deployment solution? Good news! We’ve got two of the biggest names in the CI/CD world with us today - AWS CodePipeline and Jenkins, and we’re here to help you compare both; so you can pick the one that suits your business best.

AWS CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed CI/CD service that automates your pipeline deployments for fast and reliable updates. It also offers an easy-to-use pipeline dashboard that lets you track your pipeline status and progress.

Some of the benefits of using AWS CodePipeline include:

  • Native integrations with other AWS services like CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodeBuild, making it easy to set up a pipeline.
  • Automatic creation of pipelines with CloudFormation.
  • Ability to support deployment to multiple environments, if your application needs separate configurations for each environment.
  • Encrypted pipeline data encryption to keep your pipeline information safe.

AWS CodePipeline is priced at $1 per active pipeline per month.


Jenkins is an open-source CI/CD pipeline tool that has been in use for years. It is highly customizable and can fit any unique deployment pipeline requirements.

Some of the benefits of using Jenkins include:

  • Large community support that has contributed over 1500 plugins that allow for a wide range of options.
  • The flexibility to use any third-party build, test or deployment tools that might be unique to your business.
  • High level of control over the entire deployment process.
  • The price is right! Jenkins is free, although hosting and associated costs are a consideration.


Here we compare both side by side, so you can see the differences easily.

Features CodePipeline Jenkins
CI/CD Integration AWS Services Flexible - supports any third-party tool
Visualization Easy-to-use dashboard Plugin-based
Deployment Environments Supports multiple environments Requires externally controlled configuration
Pricing $1 per active pipeline per month Free and open-source


Both Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline have their pros and cons. Ultimately, the choice between the two tools depends on your specific needs and priorities. If you need an out-of-the-box solution with native integrations with AWS services, AWS CodePipeline is the way to go. But if you want flexibility and customization and an open-source solution, Jenkins is your best choice.

With this blog post, we hope to have made it easier for you to decide which CI/CD solution is best for your business.


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